Specialist design studio group focussing on situational/rescue vehicle design for Costa Rica. Blog used as a contact point for group members to liaise and staff to comment on work posted!.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Phone Numbers!

How silly of my not to ask for everyones phone numbers, I shouldve done it a while back.

My phone number is 0402-665-785, you can reach me any time on it. Please add yours to the comment section, this will be great for quick chats about new updates to the blog.

If we could continue posting some work onto the blog so we can collaborate that would be great. I may not be in class tomorrow (13/09/06) as I will be attending my uncles funeral. I'll do my best to come into class to show what I have, but I'm not 100% yet as to how ill be feeling tomorrow.

In terms of presenting concepts, lets go with that and post them up on the blog for discussion. If we can all meet for a chat friday that would be great.



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